Commonly Asked Questions!

Are there any costs for me to start working?

Certification courses are free.

Background Check is $30.00


What types of calls will I be taking:

The various clients offer sales, customer service, technical support, email support, and chat opportunities.


How much money can I make?

As an independent contractor, you can make as much or as little as you want. Each client provides different pay rates, just like in brick-and-mortar facilities.  Each client offers different hours of operation as well. 


How do I know which client is best for me?

Once you have registered on the protal and completed the assessment, take the time to read the opportunity flyer regarding each opportunity.  These flyers contain all the information you will need to pick the right opportunity for you.  Some agents pick clients based on pay and some people pick a client based on servicing hours.  Some agents will pick a client that’s super easy but pays less.   It’s all up to you.


Are there any fees that I pay and why?

Premier Client Services determines your service fee based on your gross revenue.

  • If you earn revenue of up to $299.99 = Service Fee of  $50.00
  • If you earn revenue of 300.00 or more = Service Fee of $60.00 

This service fee also covers the $19.75 that is charged by ARISE.  This deduction is the only one you will see taken out of  your revenue.  If you make over the $300 threshold amount, no matter how much you make, you will never see more than the $60.00 Service Fee.  These fees are considered a business expense on your taxes.  


Am I responsible for my own taxes?

As an independent contractor, you are responsible for your own taxes.  Premier Client Services does not take out taxes on your behalf.  We provide a 1099 at the end of the year if you make $600 or more for the year.  You are not eligible for unemployment, over-time, or benefits. We advise you to meet with a tax specialists to go over write offs or deductions you may be eligible for.  We also advise that you check  local licensing and zoning offices  to ensure you are meeting all necessary requirements to work as an independent contractor in your state as it may vary. 

How long does it take to start earning money?

Registration can take as little as a day.  Once you register you must take an assessment online (don’t worry it’s not hard at all).  After you take the assessment, the client opportunities will show up on your portal.  This is where you pick the client you want to work for and sign up for the certification class.  The certification class is where you learn how to use the client's system so that you can take their calls.  You must pass certification to service that client.  After completing certification, you begin servicing and earning money.

***** Certification classes can be anywhere from 4-6 weeks long.  Most clients will allow you to earn money while you are in class after you reach a certain point in the certification process.  If the client allows you to “earn while you learn,” it will be listed in the opportunity announcement. 



*****You must legally reside in the United States and must be 18 years of age or older.

Arise is currently not accepting applications from California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin.

Benefits of Being an Independent Contractor vs an Employee